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Leadership Assessments

People are your greatest advantage and most critical asset to the success of your business. 

Assessments provide personal & professional discovery for each leader in your organization. 

business leadership

Leadership Circle Profile

The Leadership Circle Profile is the only instrument that measures the two primary leadership domains — Creative Competencies and Reactive Tendencies — and integrates this information so that key opportunities for development immediately rise to the surface.

The Leadership Circle Profile’s Assessment Process

Leadership Circle Profile assessment and debrief is a process invidualized for each leaders's development. The LCP is designed to measure both behavior and thinking.

Besides measuring key competencies, it measures underlying beliefs and assumptions — the habits of thought that run much of our behavior.

The Advantages of the Leadership Circle Profile

The LCP is unique because it reveals a leader's Operating System — internal assumptions (beliefs) that run behavior in both domains.

It allows the manager to see how their inner world of thought translates into a productive or unproductive leadership style. In this way, it naturally leads to insight into the underlying emotional/cognitive process that runs behavior patterns.

When you get an insight into this, you are in a much higher leverage place to make transformative change. We also offer 360 interviews with a summary of the interview findings.

Leadership Coaching 360

Up to 25 respondents will complete 360 evaluations of the leader identified for the 360 survey. A certified coach will facilitate a 90-minute coaching debrief with the leader, then a 60-minute coaching session within two weeks to set goals for their leadership growth based on the 360 assesment results.

The results of the LCP and goal-setting meeting often kick off a six-month coaching engagement, where the coach will meet twice monthly with the leader to focus on their leadership goals.

Leadership Team 360

Up to 25 respondents will complete a 360 evaluation for each leader of the leadership team.

The 360 assessments will be debriefed during a 3 or 6-hour facilitated session. This package also includes one-on-one coaching sessions with each leader who will also receive coaching sessions with a certified coach.

During the debrief for each leader, they share leadership strengths &  the leadership competencies they want to increase to be a more effective leader.  The experience of the team debrief is powerful and bonding.

Measuring Leadership Effectiveness

Leaders are made, not born. If you think some people have it, you are wrong. Of course, some may have the charisma or specific strengths that make it more likely that they are seen as leaders. But in the end, anyone who wants to lead or build something with the help of others must consciously intend to show others where they want them to go.

It takes work and effort to be a certain way and to improve upon the decisions and behaviors that will get them there.

Our Program’s Leadership Domains

The Leadership Circle Profile (LCP) is the only instrument that measures the two primary leadership domains — Creative Competencies and Reactive Tendencies — and integrates this information so that crucial development opportunities immediately rise to the surface.

Behavior and Thinking Assessments

Winning Ways, Inc. tailored the Leadership Circle Profile assessment and debriefed the process to every individual's development.

We designed the LCP to measure both behavior and thinking. Besides measuring key competencies, it measures underlying beliefs and assumptions — the habits of thought that run much of our behavior.

Helping Leaders Make a Transformative Change

The LCP is unique because it reveals a leader's Operating System — internal assumptions that run behavior in both domains. It allows the manager to see how their inner world of thought translates into a productive or unproductive leadership style.

In this way, it naturally leads to insight into the underlying emotional and cognitive process that runs behavior patterns. When you get an insight into this, you are in a much higher leverage place to make transformative change.

Offering Customizable 360s

Winning Ways, Inc. offers two packages and will customize each depending on your company's needs. Each Leadership Circle Profile will survey 8–25 respondents determined by you — your peers, direct reports, and supervisors.

DRiV Assessment

The DRiV assessment helps leaders understand what drives and drains them, and how that translates into their behavior.

The DRiV is a 20-minute assessment that measures an individual’s motives, values, and habits — their drivers — and can help new leaders or transitioning leaders re-evaluate their style and behaviors, intentionally plan how they will be successful in their new leadership role, and increase their self- and other-awareness.

In conjunction with a customized report debrief, it is a useful tool in helping leaders really understand and put into practice, “What got you here, won’t get you there.”

A woman discussing something with office peoples

DRiV Debrief and Workshops

Everyone has some drive: what they are passionate about, where they want to focus their energy, and what they expect from themselves, others, and their jobs. But not everyone is driven in the same way. The DRiV helps discover the why behind the what.

Reflecting of the team or group portrait—those drivers that are most wanted/needed—individuals can decide the leveraging or optimizing that is most needed to best use the DRiV data moving forward.

Winning Ways DRiV certified coaches offer both individual debriefs and team workshops.  

  • Individuals: Used for leadership coaching and development, helping individuals to drive self insight, optimize career happiness and more positively influence others.
  • Teams: Used to build shared understanding, increase alignment, and optimize team performance.
Person writing in a notebook beside a laptop.

EQi 2.0 Assessment

The EQ-i 2.0 measures the interaction between a person and the environment he/she operates
in. Assessing and evaluating an individual’s emotional intelligence can help establish the need for targeted development programs and measures.

This, in turn, can lead to dramatic increases in the person’s performance, interaction with others, and leadership potential. The development potentials the EQ-i 2.0 identifies, along with the targeted strategies it provides, make it a highly effective employee development tool.

Why Is Emotional Intelligence (EI) Important?

While emotional intelligence isn’t the sole predictor of human performance and development potential, it is proven to be a key indicator in these areas. Emotional intelligence is also not a static factor — to the contrary, one’s emotional intelligence can change over time and can be developed in targeted areas.

What is Included in an EQi 2.0 Assessment

  • 20 minute online link to complete the assessment
  • You will receive a 20-30 page report on your Emotional Intelligence.  It provides a baseline score for each of the 16 composite areas of Emotional Intelligence.  Each composite provides your score and how you fit within the population.
  • During your 90 minute EQi 2.0 debrief, you will learn strategies you can use to raise or lower the score.  The information helps you identify what obstacles are present in your leadership. 

These returns give you the evidence you’re looking for… specific, measurable and scientifically validated results and concrete strategies to improve your Emotional Intelligence.

Additional Leadership Assessments

Winning Ways Coaches offer years of expertise in various assessments.  In addtion to The Leadership Circle 360, EQi 2.0 & DRiV, our coaches are also certified in:


  • DISC through TTI Success Insights
  • DiSC through Wiley
  • Strengths Finder
  • Five Dysfunctions of a Team
  • Enneagram 

What Our Clients Say About Us