Five Tips To Discover Your Word for the Year!
- Take time and think about what you have accomplished and what you haven't accomplished in 2024.
Look at the year from a high level. What do you wish you could continue? What do you wish you could stop doing? If you wrote your goals for 2024, look at your goals to determine if you achieved them or if you forgot about them. This is vital since it will tell you more about how you self-actualize. Do you do what you say you are going to do?
If you took the time to write your goals and still need to accomplish them, please reach out to me to schedule a half-hour call to learn a proven and guaranteed way to achieve them.
- Identify one or two goals you want to pursue in 2025.
What would move you forward in your personal and professional life? What is something that will change your old, bad habits? What is a new habit that would add to your life?
You might find that you will benefit from adding a new routine into your daily schedule — a meditation, a daily walk, or a list of three things you are grateful for.
One year, I added meditation to my daily schedule and meditated all but three days of the year! Some days it was only for two minutes, but many days it was 15-plus minutes of meditation practice.
- Once you have written your goals, look them over and think about how they connect and what they would bring to your life if you accomplished them.
The idea is to think of the big picture or overarching idea encompassing both goals. For example, suppose one goal is to connect with more people important in your life with quality time, and the other is to focus on your client's work and take it to a higher level.
In that case, the word QUALITY would be excellent for the year. You could focus on increasing the quality of your relationships and the quality of your client's work.
- If you struggle with thinking of a word, consider what is important to you right now.
One woman in a recent workshop quickly selected the word STRONG. When I asked her about her word, she told me the story of her mother's terrible fall and how her mother broke many bones. They learned that her mother had osteoporosis.
She said that 2022 would be the year she would make time for strength development, get a personal trainer, and become physically strong. The word you select should be exciting to you. It just might give you goosebumps when you think about it!
- After you have your word, please keep it in front of you every day of the year.
Paint a rock with the term and put it on as your screen saver. You can even write it in the mirror in your bathroom with a dry-erase marker or lipstick!
In 2008, I had a necklace created with my word and wore it often. So many people would ask me about the chain; it kept the buzz alive daily.
This year, I plan to put my comment on a bracelet. Many online shops will make custom jewelry with the word of your choice.
Your intention regarding your word will bring many positive things to you. One year, a friend of my mother's, whom I hadn't seen for years, sent me a package. Inside the box was a ceramic wall hanging with MY WORD FOR THE YEAR on it! I couldn't imagine how that happened. I called her; the woman said that she felt like she had to buy it for me when she was in a shop. I was living my word that year!
Let’s Talk About Your Goals
I would love to hear about your word for the year and your goals. If you have time, drop me an email or a voicemail to tell me what you have decided to make happen in 2025.